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9781578191703 - The Laws Of Niddah Volume One, published by Mesorah

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9781578191703 - The Laws Of Niddah Volume One, published by Mesorah Empty 9781578191703 - The Laws Of Niddah Volume One, published by Mesorah

Post by Moshe Wise Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:39 pm

Publisher link
Page 41: mucous should be mucus

Page 79: mucous should be mucus

Page 156: mucous should be mucus

Page 495: Ganzfreid should be Ganzfried

Page 495:
Magid Mishneh - Earliest commentary on Rambam's Mishneh Torah
Maggid Mishneh was not the earliest commentary. It was preceded by those Abraham ben David, Meir HaKohen and Shem Tov ben Avraham ibn Gaon.

Page 497: Zaru,a should be Zarua,

Page 499: supra commentary should be a commentary

Page 499: R' Yom Tov Ibn Asevili should be R' Yom Tov ben Avraham

Page 499: R' Aryeh Leib HaCohen Shain should be R' Aryeh Leib HaCohen Heller

Page 500: Shimshon Duran should be Shimon Duran

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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