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9780899060149 - Stone Chumash, published by Mesorah

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9780899060149 - Stone Chumash, published by Mesorah Empty 9780899060149 - Stone Chumash, published by Mesorah

Post by Moshe Wise Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:02 pm

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Page xxiii:
never in Jewish history was physical punishment meted out for an assault
The penalty for battery in the Talmud is determined by the value of the battery. If the damages are less than a prutah, the guilty party is whipped for violating Deut 25.3 (Rabbi Ammi in the name of Johanan bar Nappaha, apud b. Makkot 9a). If the damages are worth more than a prutah, the tortfeasor pays damages.
Additionally, Rav Huna amputated the arm of a man who was beating up others, basing himself on Job 38.15 (b. Sanh. 58b).

Page 793: היקרך דברי (Num. 11.23) is translated
whether My word comes to pass
This would be acceptable is the Hebrew had היקר דברי, but היקרך here has a second person masculine suffix which should be reflected in the translation. This might be rendered: "whether My word comes to pass for you" or the like.
Page 1297;
Baal Halachos Gedolos - one of the earliest codes of Jewish law
The code is called Halachos Gedolos, not Baal Halachos Gedolos.
Page 1301:
R' Saadiah Gaon - (882-942) Head of the famous yeshiva of Pumbedisa
Saadia was head of Sura, not Pumbedita.

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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