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9780195171532 - Job in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, published by Oxford

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9780195171532 - Job in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, published by Oxford Empty 9780195171532 - Job in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, published by Oxford

Post by Moshe Wise Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:18 pm

Publisher link
Page 31:
Only with Maimonides will doubt be cast on the notion that Job and his friends were historical individuals...
This is not true. The suggestion that Job was an allegory rather than a true story was made by an unnamed Talmudic sage centuries before Maimonides.

Page 144:
In the second, “explanation of the content of the matter” (be'ur divrey ha-maʿaneh), he paraphrases the contents of the text.

In fact, maʿaneh (מענה) does not mean 'matter' (that would be ענין). מענה means 'reply' or 'speech' and is used in reference to the many speeches/replies given in the book of Job.

Page 144:
It is remarkable how little attention has been paid to Gersonides' commentary on Job in modern scholarship...a recent article of mine seems to be the lone scholarly piece written on this work.
Surely this statement is unfair to Dalia Wiener, who wrote a thesis on the commentary in 1989 and Rich Kirschen, who wrote a thesis on this commentary in 1996.

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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