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9780190693060 - The Oxford Handbook of Jeremiah, published by Oxford University

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9780190693060 - The Oxford Handbook of Jeremiah, published by Oxford University Empty 9780190693060 - The Oxford Handbook of Jeremiah, published by Oxford University

Post by Moshe Wise Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:21 am

Publisher link
Page 5:
John Bright gave voice to this vexation when he branded the book "a hopeless hodgepodge thrown together without any discernable principle of arrangement at all"
This is a misrepresentation of Bright's view. In context, Bright says:
Jeremiah makes...extremely difficult reading. The same could be said, for that matter, of most of the prophetic books...The reader who meets them for the first time is likely to be quite at a loss All seems can scarcely blame him for concluding that he is reading a hopeless hodgepodge thrown together without any discernible principle of arrangement at all.
In context, Bright is making a comment about the prophetic books generally and not about Jeremiah specifically and he is presenting this conclusion not as his own view but as a possible conclusion for a first-time -reader.
Page 43:
...there are several declarations of forced deportation predicted for the inhabitants of nations other than Judah including...Milkom (49:3).
Milkom (sometimes spelled Milcom) was not a nation but was actually the deity worshipped by the Ammonites.

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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