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9780691152110 - Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law; published by Princeton University Press

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9780691152110 - Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law; published by Princeton University Press Empty 9780691152110 - Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law; published by Princeton University Press

Post by Moshe Wise Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:13 pm

Publisher link

Page 4:
Jews observe these laws by...maintaining separate sets of dishes for meat and milk-based food...Each spring, Jews...haul out two additional sets of milk and meat dishes reserved for the holiday...these practices come at great expense, yet Jews adhere to them because halakhah so demands.
While the massive inconvenience of keeping four sets of dishes has become quite popular among wealthier Jews, it is not in fact demanded by halakhah. Halakhah forbids traces of leaven on Passover, but the regular dishes can be cleansed before Passover and this will not be a problem. Ditto for milk and meat dishes - if the traces of one are significant enough to create an admixture with the other, halakhah provides for cleansing to obviate any need for having duplicate dishes. The law is to avoid mixtures of meat and milk, not to have many sets of dishes.

Page 70: undedited should be unedited

Page 114:
"let the law pierce through the mountain" - a phrase that appears nowhere else in the Talmud or prior Jewish literature.
The phrase יקוב הדין את ההר actually does appear elsewhere in the Talmud and prior Jewish literature - Tosefta Sanhedrin 1.3, yerushalmi Sanhedrin 1.1 and bavli Yevamot 92a.

Page 114:
The Torah characterizes Aaron's priesthood as a "covenant of peace" (Numbers 25:12-13)
The referenced verses actually speak about the priesthood of Phineas, Aaron's grandson.

Page 188:
...the entire issue of courts and judges is relevant only in the context of civil litigation, as matters of ritual halakhah stand outside the court structure entirely.
This is incorrect. Courts and judges handle matters of ritual halakhah whenever the issue is too complex or involves too many parties to be left to a single rabbi.

Page 190: Schrieber should be Schreiber

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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