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9789004074798 - Principles of Samaritan Halachah, published by Brill

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9789004074798 - Principles of Samaritan Halachah, published by Brill Empty 9789004074798 - Principles of Samaritan Halachah, published by Brill

Post by Moshe Wise Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:56 pm

Publisher link
Page 51: אסמכחא should be אסמכתא
Page 165: apllication should be application
Page 203: sunsrise should be sunrise
Page 317:
The Rabbanite requirement of immersion for a man that has had an emission of semen is a תקנה ascribed to Ezra.
This requirement is not a specifically 'Rabbanite requirement' or a תקנה but is actually required by Leviticus 15.16- ואיש כי תצא ממנו שכבת זרע ורחץ במים את כל בשרו. Ezra simply expanded the disabilities that accrue to such a man before his immersion. The author was misled by Bava Qamma 82a which lists among Ezra's ten decrees ותיקן טבילה לבעלי קריין. The Talmud itself (ibid. 82b) points out that this cannot be taken literally as the immersion was already mandated by Leviticus.
The author himself later discusses the difficulty in seeing the word ורחץ as a reference to immersion (see e.g. page 333 and following), but this is how Rabbanites understand it, at least for this verse. Ezra's intervention was not for the method of cleansing but for the disabilities that apply until the cleansing is performed.
Page 317:
The modern Rabbanite practice of not distinguishing between the conditions of נדה and זבה, and counting seven complete days without bleeding for the purpose of cleansing with regard to whether the woman is נדה or זבה is a post-Talmudic innovation.
This stringency is actually included in the Talmud in a dictum from Zeira, quoted in Nidda 66a and Berachot 31a:אמ' ר' זירא בנות ישראל החמירו על עצמן שאפי' רואו' טפה דם כחרדל יושבות עליה שבעה נקיים.
Page 334: requere should be require

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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