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9780910818179 - Judges, published by Judaica Press

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9780910818179 - Judges, published by Judaica Press Empty 9780910818179 - Judges, published by Judaica Press

Post by Moshe Wise Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:33 pm

Worldcat entry
Page x:
The Talmud in Avoda Zara 25a calls Shoftim the Book of the Just (ספר הישר), because during this period the Jewish people basically did what was "right in the eyes of the Lord"
The Talmud (or more correctly Samuel ben Nahman cited there) calls Judges ספר הישר not because Israel did what was right in the eyes of the Lord but because each person did what was right in his own eyes.
Page xxiv:
This figure was cited by Gideon in his diplomatic overtures to the Midianites. (Judges 11:26.
'Gideon' should be 'Jephthah' and 'Midianites' should be 'king of the Children of Ammon'

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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