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9781422613658 - Milstein Isaiah, published by Mesorah

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9781422613658 - Milstein Isaiah, published by Mesorah Empty 9781422613658 - Milstein Isaiah, published by Mesorah

Post by Moshe Wise Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:16 pm

Publisher link
Page ix: The Book of Isaiah is the longest and most quoted of the Prophets
The longest Prophet is Kings, the second longest is Samuel and the third longest is Jeremiah.
Page xiii: There are more chapters in the Book of Isaiah than in any other single book of the Scriptures
Psalms has 150 chapters and Isaiah has only 66.
Page 4: Indeed, years after this prophecy the prophet was murdered by his own nephew, the wicked King Menashe (Yevamos 49b)
There is no tradition that Manasseh was Isaiah's nephew. Berachot 10a sees Manasseh as Isaiah's grandson (this is more explicit in the ms Munich 95). Megillah 10b says that Isaiah's father Amoz was brothers with Amaziah. This would make Isaiah first cousins with Manasseh's great-great grandfather Uzziah and thus Isaiah and Manasseh are first-cousins four-times removed.
Page 121: יָעָ֖ should be יָעָ֖ץ

Moshe Wise

Posts : 124
Join date : 2023-05-24

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